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What We're Doing With EmberYork Peaker Project


“EmberYork peaker plant will significantly enhance energy reliability, attract additional industries, expand the tax base, and bolster our commitment to social responsibility in Austin County.” Jim Palumbo – Chief Technology Officer, EmberClear

EmberClear is currently developing a 900 MW natural gas-fired, simple-cycle peaker power plant (“Peaker”) to be constructed approximately 3 miles south of Sealy, Texas, about 25 miles west of Houston near in Austin County. Texas is grappling with power demand challenges to avoid blackouts. Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) projects 7.8 GW shortage by 2028. Our plant will be built to operate exclusively during peak demand periods. The facility will play a critical role in balancing intermittent renewable energy sources, thus supporting Texas’ ongoing transition towards a more sustainable energy portfolio.

EmberClear is working with Young America Capital and Jupiter Island Capital to complete the development and financing activities. The Project has strong support from the local community in Sealy and Austin County. The Project will be constructed on a 93-acre leveled site that is favorably zoned for a power plant. The site is located adjacent to State Highway-36 and a rail-line that runs parallel to the Highway, making site access extremely convenient. In order to minimize water usage and discharge, peaker plant will employ evaporator cooler, only used during extreme hot days thus enhancing our commitment to the environment.

The overall gas supply and pipeline connectivity strategy has been developed to ensure EmberYork plant is connected to high pressure newer gas pipeline(s), gas storage facilities and a steady supply of gas is available over summer and winter peak loads. Five large interstate and several intrastate natural gas pipelines are located within 5-miles of EmberYork Project Site. Two high pressure pipelines; Energy Transfer’s Houston Power (HPL) and Matterhorn go through the site. Total gas supply over these pipelines is between 10 and 15 BCF/day.

EmberYork intends to access natural gas from the pipelines already available on the site, a significant cost advantage. Both systems are relatively new and have high pressure larger diameter pipelines. EmberYork can also connect to Katy Storage, a 23.5 BCF Gas Storage Facility, conveniently located within 10 miles from the site and connected via several local connecting pipelines.

The EmberYork project will interconnect to the ERCOT system within the CenterPoint Service Territory. We will build a substation adjacent to the generating facility on our site and tie to a brand new 138kV line, operated by Center Point Energy, located half-mile from the site. Currently, the project site falls between CenterPoint's East Bernard substation and Gebhrt substation. Center Point has wholeheartedly endorsed EmberYork facility and has been supporting our development.

EmberYork will be a fully winterized plant equipped to provide maximum flexibility during peak loads. Given the access to low-cost shale produced natural gas, and utilization of highly efficient turbine technology, the Project will have a very competitive heat rate and be one of the first peaker plants dispatched in the ERCOT South wholesale market capable of delivering Response Reserve Service (RRS) and ERCOT Contingency Reserve Service (ECRS).

We intend to apply for available loans set aside by the PUCT under Section 25.510. Texas Energy Fund In-ERCOT Generation Loan Program (TEF) that is specifically designed to promote the development of peaker plants such as EmberYork and EmberGreen a similar facility being developed by EmberClear. The Project is in the process of obtaining air quality permit from Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TDEQ) and in line to secure interconnection contract from ERCOT. TEF program is designed to expedite ERCOT queue process potentially accelerating the Interconnection Services Agreement (“ISA”) for key projects.

Based on that, the Project could commence construction by Q1/Q2 2026, putting the Project on track to reach its commercial operations date (“COD”) in Q1 2028. The EmberYork Project will bring hundreds of millions in direct investment to Austin County and create approximately 350 construction and 15 permanent jobs.

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